This page gathers some current resources that provide information useful to understanding the benefits, risks, and opportunities of such a change. Much of this material, and some of the summaries, are taken from OCUFA’s Pension Review website, which contains additional resources and information on the issue.
About Ontario’s UPP (Jun 2015: PDF 2 pages)
- This short Q&A introduces the idea of an Ontario university sector JSPP.
OCUFA Pension Bulletin (Dec 2014: PDF, 6 pages)
- OCUFA prepared this bulletin to provide an overview of some of the key issues driving the discussion, as well as an explanation of the jointly sponsored pension plan (JSPP) option.
- NOTE: Some information in the timeline on the last page has become out of date and incorrectly states that a final report to the MTCU would be complete by October.
UPP Design Framework Report (Jun 2015: PDF, 22 pages) and Presentation deck (June 2015: PDF, 41 pages)
- This report was prepared with support from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, and the leadership of the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) and the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA). It serves as the basis for the building of a JSPP by interested university and employee group participants. The presentation provides some context for the report and a summary of its contents.
University Sector Pension Research Report (Feb 2014: PDF, 30 pages)
- This slide deck prepared by OCUFA’s actuarial consultant, Cameron Hunter, explores whether the Ontario university sector has a pension funding problem and compares university plans to other public sector plans.
Other UPP documents:
Government Solvency Exemption Paper (Apr 2015: PDF, 14 pages) and OCUFA’s response (May 2015: PDF, 4 pages)
- The Government Solvency Exemption Paper outlines the proposed criteria for exempting new broader public sector multi-employer JSPPs from solvency funding requirements.
Ministry of Finance overview of JSPP conversion process (Jun 2015)
- A short overview and FAQ explaining the 2014 amendments to the Pension Benefits Act (PBA) that create a framework to facilitate single-employer pension plan (SEPP) mergers with existing jointly-sponsored pension plans (JSPPs) or conversions to new JSPPs.