The Membership Committee is a standing committee established by UTFA Council on January 23, 2007.
The broad goals of the committee are to enable the mobilization of the membership; to provide avenues for the better flow of information from UTFA’s Executive and Council to its membership as well as in the opposite direction; and to make UTFA a more powerful, cohesive organization acting in the collective interests of the full diversity of its membership.
Specific objectives of the committee include:
- raising awareness and profile of UTFA with members and the campus community in general,
- recruiting and developing participants for Council and committees, and
- informing and involving UTFA members in discussion about transforming our relationship with the University administration in order to make UTFA more effective.
Chair: Thom Dancer, dancer@utfa.org
Committee Members | Constituency |
Hülya Arik | UTSC: Dept-Human Geography |
Paul Downes | Dept of English |
Beyhan Farhadi | Department of CTL, OISE |
Rob Gillezeau | UTSC: Dept-Management |
Sherri Helwig | UTSC: Dept-Arts, Culture & Media |
Patrick Keilty | Faculty of Information |
Ruth Marshall | Department for the Study of Religion |
James Mason | Music Library |
Max Mishler | Department of History |
Jun Nogami | Dept. of Material Science & Engineering |
Fabian Parsch | Department of Mathematics |
Kathleen Scheaffer | UTM - ICCIT |
Arjumand Siddiqi | Dalla Lana School of Public Health |