Membership Committee

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The Membership Committee is a standing committee established by UTFA Council on January 23, 2007.

The broad goals of the committee are to enable the mobilization of the membership; to provide avenues for the better flow of information from UTFA’s Executive and Council to its membership as well as in the opposite direction; and to make UTFA a more powerful, cohesive organization acting in the collective interests of the full diversity of its membership.

Specific objectives of the committee include:

  1. raising awareness and profile of UTFA with members and the campus community in general,
  2. recruiting and developing participants for Council and committees, and
  3. informing and involving UTFA members in discussion about transforming our relationship with the University administration in order to make UTFA more effective.


Chair: Thom Dancer,

Committee Members Constituency
Hülya Arik UTSC: Dept-Human Geography
Paul Downes Dept of English
Beyhan Farhadi Department of CTL, OISE
Rob Gillezeau UTSC: Dept-Management
Sherri Helwig UTSC: Dept-Arts, Culture & Media
Patrick Keilty Faculty of Information
Ruth Marshall Department for the Study of Religion
James Mason Music Library
Max Mishler Department of History
Jun Nogami Dept. of Material Science & Engineering
Fabian Parsch Department of Mathematics
Kathleen Scheaffer UTM - ICCIT
Arjumand Siddiqi Dalla Lana School of Public Health