Who is a member of UTFA? If you are a full-time or part-time member of the faculty, a full-time or part-time professional librarian, or a full-time or part-time research associate, at the University of Toronto, the University of St Michael’s College, the University of Trinity College, or Victoria University, then you’re probably a member of UTFA. If you have only been hired in the last two to three years and are uncertain about your status as a member of the Association, just give us a call at 416-978-3351 or write to faculty@utfa.org.
You’ll be glad you did! UTFA provides strong support for newly appointed faculty and librarians. Every year we hold informal meet-and-greet events for new hires – sometimes small group lunches at the Faculty Club, sometimes larger social occasions. More important, UTFA is there for you if you have a problem related to your appointment or working situation. We have skilled lawyers who, together with our executive, will support and defend you if you encounter problems such as denial of tenure or promotion, difficulties with research, merit pay problems, or are experiencing unjust or questionable disciplinary action.
But UTFA doesn’t just wait for our members’ problems to come to us! We’re out there with advice and counsel to help you navigate through the sometimes rough waters of an academic career. Every year we hold special workshops on tenure procedures and promotion practices that will help you prepare the necessary materials and dossiers your file requires.
What do you pay for all of this? UTFA’s fees are .75% of your gross salary, are automatically deducted from your monthly pay, and forwarded to UTFA. That’s how we keep a skilled team to help you with problems. Your dues money also enables us to bargain the best compensation packages in the University sector, and to campaign for justice and a real voice for all faculty and librarians at the University.