Equity Committee

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The committee advises Council on all matters pertaining to equity, diversity and inclusion – including race, gender, sexual orientation and ability – and assists UTFA in developing policy and approaches to pay equity, employment equity, all forms of harassment, personal safety, and accommodation.

The Equity Committee has an ongoing commitment to a decolonizing mandate: it seeks proactive redress for the effects of systemic forms of discrimination and white supremacy enacted at the University of Toronto embedded in distinct forms of anti-blackness, anti-indigeneity, racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism, homophobia, and sexism.

Realizing that equity, diversity, and inclusivity are individual and collective responsibilities, the Equity Committee commits to providing leadership that opposes systemic discrimination, encourages inclusivity by promoting equity within UTFA’s work and governance structures, as well as holding University of Toronto’s administration accountable for substantive, binding commitments to foster diversity, equity and inclusion.”


Interim Chair: Judith Taylor, taylor@utfa.org 

Committee Members Constituency
Kass Banning Cinema Studies
Joseph Berkovitz Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
Ellen Berrey UTM: Sociology
Jennifer Brant Dept of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning
Antje Budde Centre for Drama, Theatre, Performance
Chandni Desai New College
Darren Dias St. Michael's College - Theology
Nisrin Elamin Dept of Anthropology
Esmat Elhalaby UTSC:Dept-Historical & Cultural Studies
Atiqa Hachimi UTSC:Dept-Historical & Cultural Studies
Rena Helms-Park UTSC, French and Linguistics
Sherri Helwig UTSC - Arts, Culture & Media
Sheliza Ibrahim UTM:Inst. Study of Univ Pedagogy
Whitney Kemble UTSC:Library User Services & Collections
Raymond Kwong Retired Member
Nicole Laliberte UTM: Geography
Melissa Levin New College
Robyn Maynard UTSC:Dept-Historical & Cultural Studies
Kuldeep Meel Dept of Computer Science
Beverley Mullings Dept of Geography
A.W. Peet Dept of Physics
John Paul Ricco UTM - Department of Visual Studies
Kathleen Scheaffer UTM: Library
Jaris Swidrovich Faculty of Pharmacy
Azita Taleghani Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations