Permanent Standing Committees
There are three permanent Standing Committees specified in the constitution.
Salary, Benefits, Pensions, and Workload Committee
This committee is chaired by the Vice-President, Salaries, Benefits, Pensions, and Workload (SBPW) and advises Council on formulating policies concerning improvements in salaries, benefits, pensions, and workload. It informs SBPW negotiations with the Administration.
Grievance Committee
This committee is chaired by the Vice-President, Grievances, who monitors and seeks remedies for violations of existing U of T policies and terms of the Memorandum of Agreement. The VP-G consults with members of the Association about the process and probable outcomes of grievance procedures at various levels.
University and External Affairs Committee
This committee is chaired by the Vice-President, University and External Affairs (UEA) and advises Council on matters of general concern to the University community, including government relations. It cooperates with other campus organizations and the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) and Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA).
Other Standing Committees
Appointments Committee
This committee advises Council on all matters related to the University's Policy on Appointments. This includes procedures for hiring, promotion, tenure, and dismissal.
Equity Committee
This committee advises Council on all matters pertaining to equity, diversity, and inclusion and assists UTFA in developing approaches to pay equity, employment and compensation equity, harassment, personal safety, and accommodation.
Financial Advisory Committee
This committee is chaired by the Treasurer; it advises Council on all matters pertaining to budget and expenditures.
Librarians Committee
This committee advises Council on all matters related to the concerns of academic librarians and the profession at U of T.
Membership Committee
This committee advises Council on all matters related to promoting membership engagement with and participation in UTFA.
Pension Committee
This committee advises Council on all matters related to pension.
Retired Members Committee
This committee advises Council on all matters related to the concerns of retired members of the faculty and academic librarians.
Teaching Stream Committee
This committee advises Council on all matters of particular concern to faculty in the Teaching Stream, including workload, time for research and scholarship, and related equity issues.
In addition to these standing committees, Council may also establish ad hoc committees as it requires.
Part-Time & Contractually Limited Term Appointments (PT-CLTA) Ad-hoc Committee
This committee is dedicated to fostering a sense of community among CLTA and part-time faculty, while also promoting awareness of the impact of existing appointment policies on the terms and conditions of their employment, including their academic freedom. The committee will gather insights about member experiences since 2021, provide updates on bargaining efforts, and actively seek feedback on potential future initiatives.
Nominating Committee
Per Article 9.2 of UTFA’s Constitution:
There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of five members including either a member of the current Executive Committee or, failing that, a Past-President of the Association. Council must approve the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall compile a slate of nominees for the following positions where there is an upcoming vacancy, including those resulting from the expiration of a term of office : non-Presidential members of the Executive Committee (the three Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer, the Chairs of the Standing Committees, and the members-at-large).