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Appeal to support the Palestinian Students and Scholars at Risk Program at UofT
July 15, 2024


Appeal for donations to the April 12 Laurentian Fired Faculty Distress Fund
June 2, 2023


Faculty for Women, Life, Freedom
Oct 14, 2022


Dept. of Computer Science Statement of solidarity with Iranian community members
Oct 6, 2022


OCAD Faculty Association’s #SessionalsCount campaign
Sep 30, 2022

The OCAD Faculty Association has launched a campaign to improve working conditions for its sessional faculty members. More than 60% of OCAD faculty are sessional. Although the majority of sessional faculty (some 70%) have been working at OCAD for five years or more, they remain without any job security and constitute the lowest-paid faculty in the province. Click here to learn more about the #SessionalsCount campaign, and here to sign OCADFA’s petition.


Supporting CUPE 3261’s campaign for Good Jobs at UofT
Sep 30, 2022

CUPE 3261 represents around 1300 caretakers, cafeteria workers, maintenance workers, landscapers and other workers who support teaching and research at UofT. The University continues to contract out jobs like these to for-profit companies, which pay close to minimum wage and offer only a fraction of the benefits workers need and deserve.

On Labour Day, CUPE 3261 initiated the Good Jobs at UofT campaign calling on the University to stop outsourcing jobs, directly hire UofT employees, and increase the overall number of good jobs to meet the University’s growing needs. UTFA has endorsed this campaign. We encourage members to learn more about it by clicking here.


Petition to Maintain the University of Toronto’s Mask Mandate
April 22, 2022


Petition Calling for a Safe University of Toronto Re-opening
September 24, 2021