Greetings, colleagues,
We hope you are as well as can be expected and that the Winter term has established a good rhythm. It has been a very busy time at UTFA since we last wrote. This email provides updates on several important projects; please click on the topics that interest you to learn more:
- Update on the Current Round of Bargaining Salary, Benefits, Workload, and Other Matters
- The Administration’s Refusal to Engage in Collegial Governance and Enforceable Good Faith Bargaining Diminishes Our Power to Gain Improvements
- Ensuring Your Retroactive Salary Adjustments are Accurate and Transparent
- UTFA is Grieving the Administration’s Repeated Violations of the Workload Policy (WLPP)
- Growing Threats to Academic Freedom on Campus
- UTFA Achieves Major Gains for UofT Librarians: Implementing New Policies for Librarians (PfL)
- Meet Your Chief Negotiators During Winter Campus Visits and Ongoing Bargaining Town Halls
- 2023 Academic Citizenship Award Nominations are Due March 14, 2024
- Update on CUPE 3902 Unit 5 (Postdocs) Bargaining
- Hold the Date: UTFA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is April 25th, 2 - 4pm
We know that an informed, active, and outspoken membership is our greatest strength. We are communicating these updates to you in the hope that you will join us in undertaking the important work ahead. We will also begin issuing more regular updates on bargaining via email and on the UTFA website. Your engagement and support for our efforts to advance our shared interests fuels all of our bargaining and advocacy work.
Terezia Zorić and Ariel Katz
Co-Chief Negotiators, on behalf of the UTFA Negotiating Team