UTFA has secured for its members enhanced rights in relation to the use and publication of their student course evaluations (SCEs), sometimes known as student evaluations of teaching (SETs).
Note the following provisions as outlined in the Administration’s PDAD&C #57:
“1. The “opt out” period for an instructor to elect to opt out of the reporting of course evaluation results on Quercus is extended to April 30, 2020.
2. Any faculty member or librarian teaching a course that normally includes in-person classes in the period during which physical distancing measures were in place and in-person classes could not continue (beginning March 16, 2020 and ending August 30, 2020), may determine whether or not the student course evaluations for courses taught in that period may be relied on in any academic review process, including the PTR process, and that no adverse consequences will flow from a decision not to consider those course evaluations." (emphasis added)
UTFA members who wish to exercise their right not to have their student evaluations considered or relied upon for the purposes of any academic review, including PTR, are encouraged to email their department chairs as soon as possible. PTR assessment processes will be taking place very soon and you will need to let your chair know before they occur.
UTFA agreed with the University’s senior administration to institute these measures without prejudice to the Association’s broader position that SCE/SET results belong to the member, irrespective of the particular circumstances arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic. UTFA expressly reserved the right to pursue its concerns about the serious and inherent limitations of SCEs/SETs and the publication of data on Quercus, including through a grievance under the Memorandum of Agreement.
More to come. This is the first of a 3-part series on SCEs/SETs.
Terezia Zoric
UTFA Vice-President, Salary, Benefits, Pensions, and Workload
& President Elect