The University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA) decries Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and stands with the Ukrainian people and our colleagues in higher education in Ukraine. We endorse the principles of the United Nations Charter and its Declaration on the Principles of International Law, which recalls “the duty of States to refrain in their international relations from military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any State.” We declare our solidarity with the Ukrainian people in their resistance to this unprovoked and egregious act of war.
Our thoughts are with those who have connections to the region, including our students, faculty, and staff, who are concerned for their family members, friends, and colleagues there. We further acknowledge the courageous efforts of all who have risen to oppose the actions of the Russian state, including those dissenting in Russia itself.
Recent reports of the difficulties that some international students are facing in evacuating Ukraine are also of concern. We urge higher education institutions in Ukraine and leaders in higher education around the world to immediately institute programs backed by the needed financial resources to enable all scholars-at-risk to find safe haven.
In the coming weeks UTFA will be reaching out to student groups; U of T faculty, librarians, staff, and the Administration; OCUFA and CAUT to see how we can support solidarity actions already in progress.