The unionized faculty and librarians of the University of St. Michael's College (represented by the University of Toronto Faculty Association) have been working hard to negotiate a fair collective agreement.
Faculty at St. Michael's College should not be taken for granted. They should be treated with the same respect given to other faculty members at the University of Toronto. This includes
- job security for all St. Michael's teaching stream faculty;
- benefits for contract faculty;
- the same standards of equity and diversity for hiring as U of T; and
- wage increases in line with those received by other faculty members at U of T.
Following months of bargaining, during which no meaningful progress has been made on these important issues, the union has requested the Minister of Labour issue a "no-board" report that will put the union in a legal strike position as of February 11, 2018.
For further information:
Michael O'Connor, Chief Negotiator, UTFA-USMC, (416) 926-1300 x3382 or michael.oconnor@utoronto.ca
Cynthia Messenger, UTFA President, (416) 978-3351 or cynthia.messenger@utoronto.ca