President’s Blog

Securing Our Defined Benefit Pension Plan

December 21, 2018
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The UPP will...

  • be a defined benefit plan
  • be closely modelled on the current U of T plan
  • be a multi-university plan designed to be sustainable
  • be governed jointly by employers and employees
  • not affect the pensions of the retired
  • preserve all pension credit earned in the current plan
  • sever the tie between the operating budget and pension debt
  • begin as a fully funded pension plan
  • require each member university to pay down its own debt

Did you know that...

  • your years of service in the current plan will be calculated under the current rules?
  • your years of service under the UPP will be calculated under the UPP rules?
  • the two will be added together when you retire?
  • the jointly sponsored pension plan ( JSPP) model is world famous?
  • the Teachers’ pension plan is a JSPP?
  • the proposed UPP uses 4-year averaging; the Teachers’ plan uses 5-year averaging?
  • the UPP spousal benefit is modelled on what Teachers’ provides?
  • the increase in the “lower deck” (below the YMPE) calculation from 1.5% to 1.6% will help lower earners achieve higher pensions?
  • the SAP that UTFA negotiated will help higher earners if the current plan is converted to the UPP? - visit for more info and to register for updates