The firm deadline for full-time senior lecturers to opt in to the new appointments policy for the teaching stream is DECEMBER 31, 2015. UTFA and the University administration completed negotiations on this new policy almost one year ago, in December 2014.
Both UTFA’s Q & A and the University administration’s Q & A are meant to help you understand the policy change.
1. What is the advantage of opting in?
You will be covered by a new policy that offers the following:
- a professorial title (Associate Professor, Teaching Stream)
- the future opportunity to be advanced to full professor (Professor, Teaching Stream)
- the potential to be covered by any future policy improvements
Remember that if you remain a senior lecturer, and you choose to stay with the current appointments policy, you will NOT be covered by any teaching stream policy improvements in the future.
(Tutors and Senior Tutors who chose not to adopt the teaching stream policy of 1999 may not adopt the new professorial title negotiated in December 2014.)
2. May I speak to someone at UTFA if I have questions about opting in to the new teaching stream appointments policy?
Yes. Please email UTFA at the following email address, and we will set up a confidential appointment for you: faculty@utfa.org
3. I am on sabbatical leave until July 1, 2016. May I opt in after my return from leave?
No. The deadline for opting in for ALL full-time senior lecturers is December 31, 2015.
4. Will I be forced to apply for promotion to full professor if I opt in?
No. If you do not wish to be reviewed for promotion to full professor in the future, let your chair/principal/dean know in writing.
5. Is promotion to full professor part of the new teaching stream policy that was negotiated in December 2014 and passed by Governing Council in June 2015?
No. The policy on promotion to full professor is a separate policy and will be negotiated in an upcoming series of talks between UTFA and the University administration.
6. When will I be promoted to full professor, if I wish to be considered for that advancement?
UTFA and the University administration will communicate with faculty once a new policy or way forward is in place.