Part-Time & Contractually Limited Term Appointments (PT-CLTA) Ad-hoc Committee

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This committee is dedicated to fostering a sense of community among CLTA and part-time faculty, while also promoting awareness of the impact of existing appointment policies on the terms and conditions of their employment, including their academic freedom. The committee will gather insights about member experiences since 2021, provide updates on bargaining efforts, and actively seek feedback on potential future initiatives.

Chair: Kim MacKinnon,

Constituency Committee Member
Roberta Buiani ARTSC: Office of the Dean; Cinema Studies Institute; Human Biology; Innis College; New College; Transitional Year Program; Women and Gender Studies Institute
Gabriel Eidelman Centre for European, Russian & Eurasian Studies; Cities Centre; Political Science; Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
Rena Helms-Park UTSC: Humanities (2) - Arts, Culture; & Media; Language Studies; English; Historical & Cultural Studies; Philosophy
Xiangying Huo UTSC: Humanities (2) - Arts, Culture; & Media; Language Studies; English; Historical & Cultural Studies; Philosophy
Donald Kingsbury Centre for European, Russian & Eurasian Studies; Cities Centre; Political Science; Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
Melissa Levin ARTSC: Office of the Dean; Cinema Studies Institute; Human Biology; Innis College; New College; Transitional Year Program; Women and Gender Studies Institute
Naijin Li ARTSC: Office of the Dean; Cinema Studies Institute; Human Biology; Innis College; New College; Transitional Year Program; Women and Gender Studies Institute
Julian Pivato UTSC: Humanities (2) - Arts, Culture; & Media; Language Studies; English; Historical & Cultural Studies; Philosophy
Tracy Solomon OISE (4)- Curriculum, Teaching & Learning; Applied Psychology & Human Development; Social Justice Education; Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study (JICS); Leadership, Higher & Adult Education
Matthew Stoddard UTSC: Humanities (2) - Arts, Culture; & Media; Language Studies; English; Historical & Cultural Studies; Philosophy