Updated on January 23, 2019
UTFA has visited or will visit the following units/groups to answer questions on the proposed University Pension Plan (UPP).
If you would like us to visit your unit during the month of January, please email faculty@utfa.org.
- Physiology
- Rotman School of Management
- Medicine
- Librarians - UTSC
- Economics
- Engineering
- Librarians - St. George
- Faculty of Information
- Librarians - UTM
- Classics & Women's Studies
- Near and Middle Eastern Civ.
- Kinesiology and Physical Education
- Retired Member Pension Information Session
- UTSC - Management
- Cinema Studies
- Spanish and Portuguese
- German, French, Linguistics
- Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy
- Nutritional Studies
- John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design
- Social Work
- Dept. of History, St. George
- UTM: Historical Studies
- History of Art
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology & Cell and Systems Biology
- Italian, Slavic Languages & Literatures, Spanish & Portuguese
- Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
- History
- Geography
- Chemistry and Earth Sciences
- Centre for Industrial Relations