Invitation - Apportionment Consultation Meetings for members in Section 700

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Dear Colleagues in the Section 700s Constituency (Units in the Faculty of Arts & Science),

As you may be aware paragraph 4.3(iv) of UTFA’s Constitution requires that the number of constituencies to be assigned to each section of active members is to be roughly proportional to the number of regular members within that section. As required under our Constitution, an Apportionment Committee was established to review the current assignment of seats for your Section and to recommend changes to ensure that the representation is roughly proportional. Denise Gastaldo represented your Section on the Apportionment Committee.

We are inviting you to attend a one hour session on Monday, January 29, 2024 via Zoom from 11 am to 12 noon. Please register here. Your representative on the Apportionment Committee, Denise Gastaldo, will also attend this session.

The purpose of the session is for UTFA to explain the process and proposed changes and to seek your input about the changes before the recommendations are presented to Council.

We look forward to seeing you at the session.


Jeff Bale
Vice-President, University and External Affairs

Kim MacKinnon
Chair, Teaching Stream Committee

Date and time: 
Monday, January 29, 2024 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Event Location: ​
via Zoom
Toronto ON