The University of Toronto Faculty Association is pleased to host an all-day event to support academic librarianship at the University of Toronto. Charting Our Course: Empowering Librarians at the University of Toronto will take place on Friday, November 15, 2019, at the Faculty Club. The event commences at 8:45 a.m. with a continental breakfast and includes a lunch. The presentations and panel discussion will run from 9:15 a.m. to noon and from 12:30 to 4:15 p.m. A full agenda will be released soon.
Colleagues from the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) and several Ontario universities will be participating. Panel discussions are planned to address new professionals, collegial governance, academic freedom, and negotiating for librarians’ rights. We will give an update on our current negotiations for the Policies for Librarians, as well as a look at what our colleagues at other institutions are negotiating. Participants from CAUT, Ryerson, Western, and York and others have agreed to share their professional experiences. Professor Alison Hearn from Western University, Chair of the CAUT Academic Freedom Committee, and Tim Ribaric, Librarian at Brock University and the Chair of the CAUT Librarians' and Archivists' Committee, will be our guest speakers. In addition, UTFA’s General Counsel, Helen Nowak, will be presenting information on UTFA services and grievance process. The day will begin with a look at where U of T librarians began and will conclude with an overview of current issues in our profession.
We encourage all UTFA librarian members to register and participate in the event (see registration link at the end of this message and a call for scholarly contributions).
On behalf of the organizers and UTFA,
Harriet Sonne de Torrens Chair, UTFA Librarians Committee
Charting the Course: Empowering Librarians at the University of Toronto
Friday, November 15, 2019
Main Dining Room, Faculty Club
41 Willcocks Street
This is a full-day event.
Please Join Us!
**Required: RSVP below to indicate if you are able to attend. Please indicate if you have special dietary requirements (kosher, vegetarian, etc.).
RSVP here: www.utfa.org/content/event-rsvp-charting-course
A Call for Scholarship & Professional Creative Projects
We are going to be displaying the accomplishments of our colleagues over the years (books, articles, electronic projects, poster-sessions, musical publications and other types of professional projects). If you are interested in contributing scholarship or in helping to select and arrange the material, please contact Christina Tooulias-Santolin christina.tooulias@utoronto.ca and Dan D'Agostino d.dagostino@utoronto.ca.