Health and Safety
For many years UTFA has advocated for policy changes in occupational health and safety that protects our members and address our members’ top priorities. The COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated the need to renew and strengthen UTFA’s capacity to address issues of central importance to our members, including health and safety.
Asbestos Exposure
Since early 2017, UTFA has been calling on the University Administration to provide greater transparency regarding its Asbestos abatement activities in the Medical Sciences Building (MSB) on the St. George campus.
Oct 3 2017
IT Outsourcing, Information Security, and Privacy Policy
Since late 2013, UTFA has been calling on the University Administration to consult more substantially with faculty and librarians about the possible privacy, security, ownership, and academic freedom implications of a move to outsource information technology services to a third-party service provider such as Microsoft.