Update: Professor Dale Turner was guest speaker at this event. Drawing on his research and teaching activities, he proposed a range of answers to the key question How do we listen to Indigenous peoples in and on their own terms?
Professor Turner’s remarks were very well received. Listen to them here.
Retirement offers many new opportunities. As a retiree, you continue to be an important member of the University of Toronto Faculty/Librarians community. In your first year of retirement you are welcomed, without fees, as a retired member of the University of Toronto Faculty Association. Following this there is an annual $50 fee for all UTFA retired members.
The UTFA Retired Members Committee identifies and addresses concerns that are particularly relevant to retirees, such as retiree health and other benefits, special events, and developments around the new UPP (University Pension Plan).
We hope you can join us to discuss retirement concerns, welcome new members, and listen to an expert at our Annual Retiree Reception: Engaging with Indigenous Perspectives at U of T. It is hosted by the Retired Members Committee and will take place on:
Our expert speaker will be Professor Dale Turner (PhD, Philosophy, McGill University, 1998) and citizen of the Temagami First Nation in northern Ontario. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Centre for Indigenous Studies at the University of Toronto, and the Distinguished Indigenous Faculty Fellow, 2021–2022.
Register by emailing faculty@utfa.org. Please answer the following questions in your email:
- What year did you retire?
- What faculty/division/unit did you retire from?
- Are you currently teaching courses or supervising graduate students or both?
- Please provide 1 or 2 questions about Engaging with Indigenous Perspectives at U of T that you would like to have answered at the Zoom reception (optional).
Please join us in meeting on Zoom and celebrating the joys of retirement.
Jody Macdonald
Chair, Retired Members Committee
Terezia Zorić
UTFA President