Process for Trustee Appointment and Renewal
Appointment-Related Processes for the UTFA-Appointed UPP Trustee
Approved by UTFA Council – March 21, 2023
- Assessing Trustee Performance
- The Employee Sponsor Committee (ESC) is likely to monitor the performance of each ESC- appointed Trustee, including the UTFA-selected Trustee, through a variety of means. The UTFA’s Pension Committee Chair/rep on the ESC would have access to these performance metrics and can use them to help inform UTFA’s assessment of its Trustee.
- An UTFA-selected Trustee who has no previously identified performance issues is eligible to serve a subsequent term and, if interested in serving such a term, would likely be considered for a subsequent appointment.
- UTFA has the sole discretion about whom to appoint as its Trustee and may opt not to re-select a Trustee for any reason.
- The UPP Trust Agreement currently specifies that a Trustee may be appointed for a maximum of three full or partial terms, including any initial term served.
- Renewal
- In March of the year in which a Trustee’s term is scheduled to end, the Pension Committee Chair will send a letter to the Trustee, notifying them of the renewal process and inquiring if they are interested in serving again.
- The Pension Committee Chair may request a meeting with the Chair of the Board of Trustees and with fellow members of the ESC to solicit their assessment of the Trustee.
- By June, the ESC will have obtained the Trustee’s annual self-assessment.
- The Pension Committee Chair, in consultation with the Pension Committee (including UTFA’s President and Vice-President SBPW), will consider the Trustee’s response to the renewal letter, self-assessment (if applicable), and assessments of the Chair of the Board of Trustees and fellow ESC members. Following these considerations (and by July of the year in which a Trustee’s term is scheduled to end), the Trustee will be told whether or not their term will be renewed. If their term will not be renewed, an outreach and appointment process will be commenced to identify a new Trustee.
- Trustee Removal
- A Trustee would normally be removed only for severe performance issues or a major offense, such as failure to fulfill the duties of a Trustee or failure to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the Board of Trustees.
- The ESC must vote to confirm the recommendation to remove the UTFA-selected Trustee.
- Planned Appointment of a new UTFA-selected Trustee (to be used when a Trustee has reached the term limit, declines a subsequent appointment, or is not offered a subsequent appointment)
- By July in a year when a the UTFA-selected Trustee reaches a term limit, declines a subsequent appointment, or is not offered a subsequent appointment, UTFA’s Pension Committee Chair, President, and Vice-President SBPW will make plans for an outreach and appointment process. This may include:
- Creation of a call for expressions of interest and application process
- Solicitation of prospective candidates through consultation with UTFA advisors, ESC advisors, ESC members, and labour-side Board of Trustee members
- Public postings to listservs, newsletters, or bulletin boards
- Outreach to contacts in faculty association networks
- Desirable attributes for applicants:
- By July in a year when a the UTFA-selected Trustee reaches a term limit, declines a subsequent appointment, or is not offered a subsequent appointment, UTFA’s Pension Committee Chair, President, and Vice-President SBPW will make plans for an outreach and appointment process. This may include:
- Exhibits some of the attributes listed in the skills and competencies matrix for the Board of Trustees
- Embodies and promotes equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Applications will be especially encouraged from members of equity-seeking groups.
- The successful candidate will be identified no later than November and communicated to the ESC which must ratify the appointment before it is formalized.
- Unexpected Appointment of a new UTFA-selected Trustee (to be used when a Trustee quits or becomes incapacitated during their term or is removed during their term)
- The Trust Agreement specifies that if any Trustee dies, becomes incapacitated, resigns, or is removed, a successor Trustee shall be designated within sixty days for the balance of the term of the predecessor Trustee.
- As soon as possible, UTFA’s Pension Committee Chair, President, and VP SBPW will convene a meeting to discuss the vacancy and make plans for an outreach and appointment process. This may include:
- Creation of a call for expressions of interest and application process
- Solicitation of prospective candidates through consultation with UTFA advisors, ESC advisors, ESC members, and labour-side Board of Trustee members
- Public postings to listservs, newsletters, or bulletin boards
- Outreach to contacts in faculty association networks
- Desirable attributes for applicants:
- Exhibits some of the attributes listed in the skills and competencies matrix for the Board of Trustees
- Embodies and promotes equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Applications will be especially encouraged from members of equity-seeking groups.
- As soon as possible and within the time limit specified in the Trust Agreement, the successful candidate will be identified and communicated to the ESC which must ratify the appointment before it is formalized.