Pension Committee
This committee advises Council on all matters related to pension.
The role of the UTFA Pension Committee:
UTFA holds a permanent seat on the University Pension Plan’s (UPP) Employee Sponsor Committee (ESC) and maintains a permanent right to appoint a trustee on the Board of Trustees.
UTFA’s ongoing governance role shall be supported by an UTFA Pension Committee whose role includes:
- Normally meeting at least three times per year.
- Consulting with and advising the ESC representative and UTFA Council on any changes to benefits levels or contribution rates, and on any other UPP business, as appropriate, including the development of documents related to the UPP.
- Implementing the UTFA-Council approved appointment processes (i.e., the recommendation, evaluation, and removal of current and future members of both the ESC and the Board of Trustees).
- Consulting with and advising the VP, SBPW on any other pension matter, including any matter related to the Supplementary Account Plan.
Terms of Reference
Processes for ESC Representative Appointment and Renewal
Process for Trustee Appointment and Renewal
Chair: Lisa Kramer
Committee Members | Constituency |
Erica Allen-Kim | teaching stream, Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, & Design, UTSG |
Joseph Carens | retired, Department of Political Science, UTSG |
Paul Downes | tenure stream, Department of English, UTSG |
Rob Gillezeau | UTFA Treasurer, tenure stream, Management, UTSC |
UTFA Vice President, Salary, Benefits, Pensions and Workload, Law, UTSG | |
Lisa Kramer (chair) | tenure stream, Finance, Department of Management, UTM |
Alexandra MacKay | teaching stream, Finance, Rotman, UTSG |
Jan Mahrt-Smith | tenure stream, Finance, Rotman, UTSG |
James Mason | Music Library, UTSG |
Jun Nogami | Interim Vice-President, Salary, Benefits, Pensions and Workload |
Joseph Thywissen | tenure stream, Department of Physics, UTSG |
Terezia Zorić | UTFA President, teaching stream, Social Justice Education, OISE, UTSG |
The Chair of the UTFA Pension Committee is Lisa Kramer, originally appointed at the September 21, 2022 Council meeting, then re-appointed at the November 23, 2023 Council meeting for a term ending December 31, 2027.